Chris Endcliffe: The Dev from Brum Who Brought Brummie SaaS to the North

Hello there! I'm Chris Endcliffe, a versatile developer, digital consultant and the Digital Director at awesome. My journey into the digital world began in Birmingham, where I learned to code while also exploring my passion for music, studying the violin at university and musical college. It might seem an odd mix, but music and coding have creativity and abstract thinking in common, which has shaped how I approach digital innovation.

After a fulfilling stint as a violinist in a chamber orchestra in Lithuania (really!) I found myself drawn back to coding. My digital career has taken me through various roles in digital agencies, CRM, marketing firms and startups, on projects that spanned industries.

I teamed up with awesome. as their Digital Director back in 2018 and it’s been a great journey ever since. We’ve collaborated with everyone from startups navigating tight budgets to partnering with councils, universities and large enterprises on complex, large-scale projects.

Together with fellow awesome. Director, Dan Rose, we're working to unlock the power of great brands through content, design and development. You can find out more about it here.